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Stronger together

Unless you were camped out on Mars over the weekend, you've most certainly heard the latest outrage from the current administration: a re-definition of gender that would make all of us either M or F, with no shades of anything else.

I was very happy to see that PFLAG national immediately sent out a strong statement of support for those who are transgender. We here at PFLAG Jersey City are following developments closely.

"But what can I do?" you might be thinking.

1. Vote on Nov 6th. Do you know where to vote? has your polling place changed? do you know what time of day you'll vote and how you'll get to the polling place? If we're to fight back against "the forces of darkness" that are trying to overtake this country, we need every single voter to show up on election day. Don't let weather, a bad cup of coffee, or a flat tire stop you from voting.

2. Speak up. Talk to your family and friends, let them know how you feel. Back up your views with scientific evidence as well as personal stories. Are you brave enough to write a letter to your local newspaper or TV station? Do it! And by all means, contact your representatives in Congress. Every day, not just once.

3. Join forces with like-minded people. That might mean joining PFLAG or GLAAD or any of dozens of other organizations in your immediate neighborhood. It might mean donating to a homeless shelter where people in the LGBTQ+ community are welcome. People in vulnerable populations need to know that we've got their backs!

4. Be nice to someone today, whether it's a person in your family, a random stranger on the street, or a clerk in a store. Kindness is contagious and we need more of it.

Thank you!

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